This is my first web page (html) (head) (p) My first web page (p) (head) This is my first web page (p)This is my first web page(/p)

How exciting

Yes, that really is exciting. Warning: level of excitement may cause head to explode.

This is my first web page
How exciting (body)

My first web page

What this is

A simple page put together using HTML

Why this is

To learn HTML

  • To show off
  • Because I've fallen in love with my computer and want to give her some HTML loving.
    1. To my boss
    2. To my friends
    3. To my cat
    4. To the little talking duck in my brain
    (/body) (/html) (head) Browser default heading styles (/head) (body)

    Heading 2 (h2)

    Where to find the tutorial

    HTML Dog

    HTML Dog HTML Dog HTML Dog
    Row 1, cell 1 Row 1, cell 2 Row 1, cell 3
    Row 2, cell 1 Row 2, cell 2 Row 2, cell 3
    Row 3, cell 1 Row 3, cell 2 Row 3, cell 3
    Row 4, cell 1 Row 4, cell 2 Row 4, cell 3




    Which is your fave color?:



    An hermaphrodite


    My first web page

    My first web page

    What this is

    A simple page put together using HTML. I said a simple page put together using HTML. A simple page put together using HTML. A simple page put together using HTML. A simple page put together using HTML. A simple page put together using HTML. A simple page put together using HTML. A simple page put together using HTML. A simple page put together using HTML.

    Why this is

    Where to find the tutorial

    HTML Dog

    Some random table

    Row 1, cell 1 Row 1, cell 2 Row 1, cell 3
    Row 2, cell 1 Row 2, cell 2 Row 2, cell 3
    Row 3, cell 1 Row 3, cell 2 Row 3, cell 3
    Row 4, cell 1 Row 4, cell 2 Row 4, cell 3

    Some random form

    Note: It looks the part, but won't do a damned thing.



    Are you:



    An hermaphrodite


    (p style="color: red">text(/p) body { font-size: 14px; color: navy; } font-size: 12px


    I'm the first column!

    Another Column

    I'm the second column!


    I'm grid 3, but a lot smaller than the others.

    p { font-family: Helvetica, "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, sans-serif; } @font-face { font-family: "myFont"; src: url("myFont.woff2"); }